El Canto del Bracero

This piece, composed and arranged by Juan Manuel Cortez, was recorded in by the Mariachi Internacional de Mexico directed by Juan Manuel Cortez.  Proceeds from the sales of this song will go towards the production of the music video El Canto del Bracero (click to visit to catalog) . Below you will find an excerpt from this piece, sung by Timoteo Gonzales  and performed at the Northwest Mariachi Festival in 2006 by the Mariachi Internacional de México in Wenatchee, Washington.





Canto a la tierra del hombre                                          I sing to the land of the man

que dió con su vida libertad y honor                           who gave his life for freedom and honor

canto a mi hermano el bracero                                      I sing to my brother, the farmworker,

que supo ganarla con sangre y sudor,                        who learned how to win her with blood                                                                                                  and sweat

canto a mi hermano el bracero                                     I sing to my borther the farmworker

que supo ganarla con sangre y sudor.                       who learned how to win her with blood                                                                                                 and sweat.


Cielo de barras y estrellas                                            Those skies of strips and stars

que guardan tus campos al caer el sol                      that guard your fields when the sun sets

bronce que cubre los rostros                                       that bronze that covers the face

de una raza obrera de temple y valor.                       of a working race of strength and courage.

Bronce que cubre los rostros                                       That bronze that covers the face,

de una raza obrera de temple y valor.                       of a working race of strength and courage.


Viva América! Viva México!                                         Long live America, Love live Mexico!

Viva Villa El Caudillo Inmortal!                                   Long live Villa, the Immortal Leader!

Tijerina y César Chávez,                                             Tijerina and César Chávez,

su memoria en mi mente estará.........                         you'll always be in my mind...........

                                      Juan Manuel Cortez                                              Juan Manuel Cortez

© Copyright 2022 ABJ Productions, Juan Cortez.  All rights reserved. May not be duplicated without permission.